Dr. Veejay Deshpandey is a Consulting Dental Surgeon and Implantologist practicing in Mumbai for 40 years. He was consulting Implantologist in Muscat for 12 years. He has been awarded Fellowship of American Academy of Implant Dentistry in the USA. In the year 2000, he was the first Indian to have this honor for which he was felicitated by the then Governor of Maharashtra, Hon. P.C.Alexander.
Most definitely, there are a number of people who have dental problems throughout their mouths that must be treated comprehensively with a vision of a final result that improves both function and esthetics.
You may be a candidate for full mouth reconstruction which refers to rebuilding and/or replacing all of the teeth in a patient’s mouth.
The treatments can include inlays-and-onlays, crowns, bridges, veneers, dental implants, and/dentures that will essentially provide not only a “smile makeover”, but improved chewing efficiency for the patient.
2. What extra care do I need to take for my artificial teeth?
Dental restorations can be expensive. It’s important to protect your investment!
You can keep your teeth healthy using a lifelong recall and maintenance approach. We recommend you to schedule a follow-up appointment to clean, adjust, repair, or replace (if need be) your restorations at least every six months.
Along with this, Home Care is equally important, which includes:
1. Brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste at least twice a day.
2. Floss (inter dental aids) your teeth once a day.
3. Use a mouthwash (diluted) daily.
4. Wear a night guard (if recommended) to protect your restorations.
5. Don’t smoke or chew tobacco.
With these recommendations, your restored teeth are more likely to last longer, feel good, and look great.
3. Of late I have developed a tendency of chewing/grinding my teeth at night, I don’t have any problems but my wife complains about the noise I make!!
Bruxism, or teeth grinding, usually happens at night while you sleep. Most people with bruxism are not aware that they are grinding their teeth in their sleep – unless a partner is awakened by the noise.
This habit of bruxism is extremely destructive and in time may wear away your teeth, strain your jaw joints, or tire the muscles used in chewing.
The treatment involves using a device that will protect the teeth, support your jaw joints, and provide relief from muscle fatigue. This device is referred to as a splint. A splint helps with bruxism through careful control of the interaction of your teeth and through providing something else to damage rather than your teeth. Splints can easily be adjusted or replaced, making them a better recipient of these destructive forces.