Dental Imaging

Dental Imaging

Dental Radiology or Dental Imaging is an important dept. of Dentistry. We are equipped with proper equipment’s to diagnose your dental diseases with precision quality dental imaging equipment.

There are many diseases of the teeth and surrounding tissues that cannot be seen when your dentist examines your mouth. If proper dental imaging equipment is not used, small cavities between teeth, abscesses, cysts, tumors, and other diseases may be impossible to detect until obvious signs and symptoms have developed and serious damage has been done to your health.

Dental Imaging

Radiographs can:

  • Show areas of decay that your dentist may not be able to see with just a visual examination, such as tiny pits of decay that might occur between teeth
  • Find decay that is developing underneath an existing fillings
  • Find cracks or other damage in an existing filling
  • Alert the dentist to possible bone loss associated with periodontal (gum) disease.
  • Reveal problems in the root canal, such as infection or death of the nerve
  • Help your dentist plan, prepare and place tooth implants, orthodontic treatments, dentures or other dental work
  • Reveal other abnormalities such as cysts, cancer, and changes associated with metabolic and systemic diseases

Dr. Veejay Deshpandey Dental Health Clinic has modern dental radiology department with ortho-pentamograph, cephalostat, and intra-oral periapical radiography.

Advantages Of Treatment

Dental Imaging can help gain a better view of bone structures, such as adjacent root positions, in order to locate canals and root fractures, as well as provide the ability to more accurately measure anatomical structures.
Dental Imaging provides fast and accurate imaging that’s consistent—and thus, reliable. The scanner equips our doctors with a comprehensive view, letting them see specific conditions in the region of interest to determine whether a treatment is necessary.
Use of dental imaging technology often creates a more comfortable and engaging dental visit for the patient.
Dental Imaging increases the possibility of treatment success, granting practitioners greater predictability and confidence in preparing for extractions, performing root evaluations, and placing implants.
Dental Imaging
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